About UpTownPuppies.com
Uptown Puppies is an online website that lists hundreds and hundreds of puppies for sale online. Uptown Puppies is associated with the massive online registered USDA puppy broker website Puppyspot.com.
Uptown Puppies is an online website that lists hundreds and hundreds of puppies for sale online. Uptown Puppies is associated with the massive online registered USDA puppy broker website Puppyspot.com.
UpTownPuppies.com The Uptown Puppies website lists hundreds and hundreds of puppies for sale online.
They list for sale about 46 different breeds and mixed breeds puppies on their website. We consider websites like Uptown Puppies that list hundreds of puppies for sale to be high volume online puppy sellers.
In fact, when you browse breeds on the Uptownpuppies.com website you are sent to an Uptownpuppies.com landing page. From there you have the option to click to see “available puppies.” When you click the “available puppies” tab you are redirected to the massive online registered USDA puppy broker seller website Puppyspot.com.
Uptownpuppies.com talks about how great all of their 5-star breeders are but when you go to “check out” It appears that the only “5-star breeders” Uptownpuppies.com uses is the massive online USDA registered puppy broker website Puppyspot.com.
As we said before, Puppyspot.com is a licensed USDA dog dealer, puppy brokers, they are not technically the breeder of the puppies they sell. They use USDA commercial dog breeders to supply their puppies.
We urge you to Google USDA dog breeders to learn more about the kind of breeders and standards these puppies come from and the conditions they and the breeding dogs jailed for life endure in these breeders’ kennels.
For more information, please also visit our Buying Puppies from Puppyspot.com page. There are too many risks to buying puppies online and the Uptownpuppies.com website is just another example.
Please contact us if you have more questions about Uptownpuppies.com or would like to report a sick puppy.
This is the story of a family who recently purchased a Cocker Spaniel puppy from PuppySpot.com The puppy arrived covered in ticks and very sick.
The lure of online puppy sellers and the harsh reality.
I unwittingly stumbled into a nightmare of deceit when buying my puppy on GreenfieldPuppies.com
USDA dog breeders keep their dogs and puppies caged in dark barns, and it’s perfectly legal.
We do not recommend buying a puppy listed for sale on the UptownPuppies.com website ever.
Uptownpuppies.com is basically just a landing page for Puppyspot.com. Uptownpuppies.com redirects you to PuppySpot.com so you are really buying the puppy from the Puppyspot.com website. This is a red flag.
Uptownpuppies.com is just a landing page for Puppyspot.com. A way to capture more puppy buyers and to sell more puppies. Puppyspot.com holds a USDA Dog Dealer license and the breeders they use hold USDA commercial dog breeding licenses. Stay far away.
It is very risky to buy a puppy from Uptownpuppies.com. First and foremost, is because you are not actually buying the puppy from UptownPuppies.com. The dogs for sale on UptownPuppies.com are actually being sold by PuppySpot.com.
Puppy Spot is a massive online registered USDA dog dealer or puppy broker. Buying a puppy from an online puppy broker does not sound good, and it isn’t. The fact that Uptownpuppies.com redirects all puppy purchases to PuppySpot.com is very deceiving.
We don’t endorse the website Puppyspot.com and here is why. They charge outrageous prices for puppies born in USDA commercial dog farms and we do not recommend buying puppies from these USDA breeders ever.
We do not recommend buying any dog online, nor should you ever have a puppy delivered to you by air, nanny or even meet a breeder halfway or in a parking lot. Any website that is set up to direct ship puppies we consider a huge red flag. UpTownPuppies.com is no exception.
You should be able to see where your puppy was born and see the condition of the mother dog. In fact, if they won’t give you breeder information until your puppy has been delivered to you, that is a red flag. If you are not able to pick up the puppy in person, see the mother dog and where she and all of the breeder’s dogs live, you might be supporting a puppy mill.
Uptown Puppies redirects puppy buyers to the Puppyspot.com website. Puppyspot.com states on their website that they use USDA licensed dog breeders which is a red flag to start.
USDA dog breeders are high volume commercial puppy farmers. They can legally keep their breeding dogs stacked in wire cages in dark barns. The standards of care for breeding dogs in USDA kennels are very low. Lastly, we have communication from Puppyspot.com that says they will not let you know your puppy’s breeder information until your puppy has been delivered.
Puppy mills are any dog breeder that puts profit over the health and well-being of the breeding dogs and puppies produced. These breeders vary in size from small breeders — ten to twenty dogs — to very large breeders that have hundreds of breeding dogs. Puppy mills are legal, and some are licensed by the USDA.
To maximize profit, female dogs are kept pregnant, bred at every heat cycle to produce as many puppies as possible. The breeding dogs are usually kept in wire cages, many times stacked. The breeding dogs are not groomed, they are not given opportunity to exercise, nor do they know the touch of a loving hand.
The dogs are denied basic veterinary care, and most are living and breeding with painful conditions such as urinary tract infections, ear infections, rotten teeth, infected eyes, tumors, infected mammary glands, and sore feet from standing on wire cage floors — that never get addressed. It is important to know that any breeder can be a puppy mill. It’s hard to imagine the breeder you are talking or texting with could be a puppy mill.
If the breeder has excuses why they won’t let you see where they keep the breeding dogs or you are not able to meet the mother dog in person, we suggest you find another breeder. It is important to know that any breeder can be a puppy mill. It’s hard to imagine the breeder you are talking or texting with could be a puppy mill. If the breeder has excuses why they won’t let you see where they keep the breeding dogs or you are not able to meet the mother dog in person, we suggest you find another breeder.