About Stop Online Puppy Mills
Founded in 2014, Stop Online Puppy Mills a tax exempt non profit.
Our mission is to raise awareness and educate the public, exposing the truth about puppy mills and the online puppy mill industry. We educate consumers about deceptive online breeders and puppy broker websites that sell dogs from cruel, high-volume, commercial dog breeders also known as puppy mills.
We advocate for change through outreach, digital campaigns, search and retargeting advertisements and social media platforms interrupting puppy buyers, educating them before they buy, so they can make better choices.
Our goal is simple: end puppy mills.
Educational Campaigns
Our targeted educational campaigns, have transformed public awareness and disrupted the puppy mill industry. We have reached and educated millions of consumers and provided people with the knowledge they need to avoid supporting these legal inhumane businesses.
- Saving Puppies One Click at a Time – Our Google Search Ad campaign has intercepted countless new puppy buyers while they are searching online, redirecting them to our website where they can become educated about puppy mills before they make a purchase.
- We The Puppies – Giving a voice to the dogs trapped in mills, this campaign highlights the harsh realities of commercial breeding facilities, increasing awareness and educating new puppy buyers.
- Puppy Mills Hide in Plain Sight (Social Media Campaign) – Using powerful visuals, real stories, and engaging content across Facebook, Instagram, X (formerly Twitter), TikTok, and You Tube our social media campaign has exposed millions to the deceptive tactics used by puppy brokers, puppy broker websites, and online breeders to mislead consumers and encourage people to share and spread the message.
- 1 Tells 2 – A grassroots awareness movement encouraging and empowering people to share the truth about puppy mills, creating a chain reaction of education that spreads exponentially.
While laws are being proposed, opposed, passed and amended, we believe that education is the fastest and most effective way to bring an end to this industry.

Help us educate and stop the cruel puppy mill industry.
Donate today to support our educational campaigns and save dogs from a lifetime of suffering.